Benefits Offered By Artificial Grass for Your Household

Whether you’re a city-dweller who wants to bring a little green to your extended balcony or are just tired of the time it takes to maintain your lawn, installing artificial grass is definitely an appealing option. But being that you’re reading a blog about health and fitness tips, you’re probably wondering why we’re talking about fake grass. Well, it’s always important to remember that the health of our environment directly impacts our personal health.

artificial grass

There are so many benefits that directly impact your life by utilizing artificial grass. After installing artificial grass, you won’t have to wastewater to keep the grass alive, and more importantly, it doesn’t need to be fertilized.

And if it doesn’t need to be fertilized, that means you don’t have to worry about those chemicals running off into a storm drain after heavy rain, polluting the water table.

Plus you’ll also be conserving your personal time because you won’t have to worry about caring for your new, artificial lawn. That extra time can go a long way, helping you focus on your exercise and personal goals. Here’s some basic information on artificial grass that might entice you to install your own bed of it one day.

How Real Is An Artificial Grass?

“Fake grass” technology has come a long way since its inception in the 1960s.  When looking to buy artificial grass, you’ll be able to pick through a variety of grass lengths, colors, and textures, meaning you have plenty of options to install some grass that fits your needs and looks good when paired with your home, condo or apartment.

Artificial grass Worcester is also great for pet owners. Your dog won’t be able to tell the difference while running and playing on the artificial grass and even better, you don’t have to worry about any mud being tracked into your home afterward. If your dog needs to use the bathroom, cleaning up feces with a shovel is even easier on artificial grass. For dog urine, you can have a sophisticated draining system installed with your artificial grass — which is also healthy because you don’t have to worry about your children playing on the lawn and coming into contact with dog urine or feces.

These draining systems also prevent any chance of flooding after heavy rain. But How Eco-Friendly is Artificial Grass? Some environmental critics of artificial grass say that because some artificial grass is made of plastic, it’s actually bad for the environment, but advances in technology have even made the material more eco-friendly. Here are some reasons why it’s time to transform your landscaping using artificial grass:

Benefits offered By Artificial Grass

Did you know that the average family household uses nearly 300 million gallons of water every day? That’s according to the EPA. Of course, that can be greatly reduced by fixing leaky faucets, installing high-efficiency washers and toilets, and only watering our lawns with the minimum amount needed.

Unfortunately, that requires people to pay attention to how they’re water their grass. Most people today simply set up a sprinkler system on a timer and let it water their grass automatically — even if it rained earlier that day.

Artificial grass solves that problem if you get it installed by reliable service providers. And that’s a good thing because according to the EPA, of the nearly 30 billion gallons of water used each day in the U.S., 7.8 billion (about 30 percent) is consumed for outdoor use. That number increases drastically during hot and dry summers.

Installing artificial grass on even a section of your lawn will help you cut down on water use drastically. Not only are you helping preserve the environment, but you’re also cutting down on your personal costs to the water company.

Additionally, we all like to exercise outside, but doing pushups, stretches and other activities can be difficult on real grass. Most of the time, it’s uneven and can cause ankle rolls. But even more important, artificial grass is really soft and comfortable. And if you don’t have to worry about allergens ruining your workout.

We all want a beautiful and luscious-looking lawn, but to accomplish that in some of today’s climates, we need to use chemicals that can ultimately hurt our environment. Artificial grass eliminates that from happening and still allows you to have the most beautiful lawn on the block.